Choosing Life: Abortion from The Perspective of The Torah and The Sages

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Choosing Life: Abortion from The Perspective of The Torah and The Sages

“Your eyes saw my unformed body” -Tehillim 139:16

Life is a gift from The Creator and must be valued. In the case of a human fetus, they have blood circulation and organ development in a very early stage. Valid, scientific observation proves that abortion is taking a real, human life. If murderers are considered insane and/or dangerous members of society, then why are Abortion “surgeons” considered morally decent people?

What is life? It’s something that I wasn’t able to comprehend with my older, secular mindset. Abortion is a crime against humanity. It is a morally destructive action that is masked as a form of liberty. The shocking truth is that there have been over 40 million abortions in America. That’s way more than the number of people who have died in the Israeli-Arab conflict (both sides combined). That’s more than the number of people who died in the Holocaust. The only difference between Abortion and the use of child-sacrificing in Avodah Zarah is that the latter is being done to an idol.

Compared to the rest of the developed world, abortion rates in Israel are relatively moderate. However, that doesn’t mean that it is small. Over 10,000 abortions a year take place in the Land of Israel. It is shallow that the Jew is not concerned about the issue which even a Noahide would be concerned about.

It may still be worthy to see what our great sages and rabbis have to say on the issue. Gemara says: ” “From Rabbi Yishmael they quoted: “Even fetuses are forbidden to murder”. What’s the reasoning of R” Yishmael? Because it is written: “Whoever so sheds the blood of Adam within [another] person, shall his blood be shed” (Genesis 9:6).

Now, there are moderate opinions as well. Rashi recognizes the 40th day as the time when a fetus has full human rights to life. Before that, an abortion is akin preventing life from developing.

As I was taught by one who knows the Zohar, anyone who kills a fetus is guilty of murder since he is destroying the work and image of G-d…

Judaism values both men and women being committed to moral decency. There are many men who do not have family values. They do not want to be a father, and some of them make their wives get an abortion. It’s important for Jewish men to stand up for what’s right and defend our people from one of the biggest crimes against humanity.

Some Rabbanim say that the Halakhot of abortion allow it for life-saving purposes, but it is a Khillul Hashem that Religious Jewish politicians support the secular, Liberal abortion when even the moderate Christians during the Roe vs Wade era did not want to support abortion for very obvious reasons.

The Christians and Liberals [both] understand morality differently. Christianity has a moral compass influenced their beliefs in the Bible and their interpretations of it which are not grounded in a tradition that can be traced back to the Giving of The Torah. Liberals have no objective morality. Abortion is something that we view through the lense of an objective morality which is not what the Liberal stooges are promoting. They view it based on the subjective interest of the individual.

The unfortunate thing about being a Jew, living in countries like the United States of America, is that these two aforementioned groups dominate the political sphere. In the case of many moral issues, neither of these groups of goyim represent Torah values as they both wish to extend their influence in a direction that does not always agree with the tradition of Torah.

Rabbi Aharon Soleveitchik ZT”L commented when being asked about Abortion being legalized in the State of New York: “We are more guilty than any other people; we are more ashamed than any other generation”. The Jews in the NY gov are responsible for allowing infanticide to legally exist in American society. It is embarrassing that we have an erev rav that has legalized the murder of Jewish children in the name of Liberty and Feminism. This is the American dream…

And in the State of Israel, in 1977, a secular Jewish doctor pushed for the legalization of abortion which became legal, but in 1980, the religious parties had amended the legality of abortion in the cases where financial issues were the [only] reason for wanting an abortion. In Israel, there is a committee that must approve of every abortion. They approve of almost all of them…

Now, there are ~18,000 abortions in Israel every year. In 2021, it declined to be to ~17,500. These aren’t innocent women who need an abortion but rather, they are women who are immoral, sometimes prostitutes, and sometimes in the army. The army that was sworn to protect Jewish people is responsible for murdering Jewish babies. In fact, the army will even pay for the first 2 abortions of every woman in the army that wants one. This speaks volumes about the direction that Jewish society is headed.

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