Bnei Keturah and Asarah Shvatim

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Bnei Keturah and Asarah Shvatim

In Genesis Chapter 25, before the passing of Avraham Avinu, we learn that Avraham  had children with a concubine named “Keturah” (קְטוּרָה‎). The name Keturah/Qeturah is derived from the shoresh (root-word) “adorn”, and also refers to the spices in the Holy Temple. 

In the commentary of Bereshis Rabbah, Rebbi Yehudah Ha-Nasi claims that she is Hagar – the concubine of Avraham. Rashi agrees with Rebbi while Ibn Ezra, RambaN and RashbaM disagree. 

It is also important to know that these sons may have not been conceived through Avraham Avinu.  When looking at that older parshah in Hebrew, it writes that when Yitzchak was born: “וַתַּ֩הַר֩ וַתֵּ֨לֶד” (conceived and bore). With the Bnei Keturah, it only says “וַתֵּ֣לֶד“. This may imply that she did not conceive these children through Abraham but rather raised them with him. However, I should learn more about this from someone who’s more experienced with Lashon Ha-Kodesh. We learn that her Children went to “the east”, and many people believe that this alludes to Eastern cultures. Now, why would one think that? Well, let’s look at the names.

The names they were given were names of impurity. It could have been that the Bnei Keturah are the Indian cultures where many impure rituals do exist within their society. The Torah wasn’t given to them, but some type of influence was. It should be noted that Alternative Medicine has its roots to Oriental medicine. These roots can trace their theological origins to Hindu spirituality which is forbidden for a Jew to participate in due to its idolatrous origins.


One of  Keturah’s descendants was Midian. Yithro was a Midianite who embraced HaShem, and his daughter married Moshe Rabbeinu.


“Ashurim” was another son of Keturah, and the Hindu temples are called “Ashram” the Sanskrit word for “monastery”. I don’t think it’s merely a coincidence that these things have near-identical correlation. Now take Avraham and anglicize it as “Abraham”. The Hindu creator god Brakhma sounds oddly like Abraham. The Hindu god, Brakhma, had a wife named Sara-svaki. Should we even be mentioning what this name is similar to? Let’s also mention the fact that Hindus pray three times per day…Atman is the Hindu concept of “true self”. Azmut (עצמות) is the Hebrew word derived from the shoresh “Etzem” (עצם) meaning “self”. Somehow, the Jewish and Hindu culture have an overlap despite being regions apart. The name Sheva (שְׁבָ֖א) is one of the descendants. It doesn’t feature the Ayin like the word שבעה – the mourning rituals, but sounds similar to the Hindu idol that represents death. However, one would have to find Hebrew writings on Hinduism that are ancient in order to now how they authentically spelled the Hindu god of death. One of Keturah’s grandchildren was named Efer (עֵ֫פֶר‎) which has the same exact letters as the Hebrew word for “dirt” but merely different vowels. The Bnei Keturah are lower (spiritually) than Avraham’s son – Yitzhak. Thus, they are akin to dirt.

The Aryan people took over the Indian subcontinent where they practiced a combination of their beliefs and the beliefs of the natives. This led to what became Hinduism as we know it, and from there, we have Buddhism, Taoism, and plenty of other “Eastern” faiths. The original, indigenous cultures of East-Asia (Cambodia, China, Korea, etc.) come from kham. Their spirituality carries more elements of the Native African and Indigenous American cultures. The elements that resemble our culture could come from Avraham, but there are many spiritual qualities that are not compatible due to the theologies that lean away from the true Monotheism of Torah.

The Lost Tribes

There’s a second venture to the East which was done by the 10 lost tribes. During the time of the Assyrian conquest of Israel, the Northern Kingdom of Israel became disconnected from us and moved Eastward. The idolaters of the Far-East may have acquired some of the esoteric spirituality from the lost tribes. East Asian culture is built on layers of idolatry in every way possible, yet in a brief period of time, they started acquiring the interest in reaching a spiritually high state of mind. The Eastern cultures were not originally based around these esoteric forms of spirituality. It was just typical idolatry before these new movements came about.


The original people of Japan are the Ainu (which resemble native Alaskans), but later on, people from mainland Asia moved to Japan. Shintoism is the Japanese folk religion and  ethnic culture of the dominant nation in Japan. It is a polythetic religion that involves the worship of nature. Shintoism greatly developed a century after the lost Hebrews migrated from Eretz Yisrael to the Far-East. The Shintos have a temple which has an outer and inner chamber (where Shinto priests perform sacrifices). And the inner of inner-chambers has an ark with four poles. During the Autumn festival, they take the ark out and dance with it. Part of their outfit includes small strings attached at the end of their four-cornered garments.

The Japanese even purify themselves by immersing themselves in a natural pond of water before their New Years. What makes this different from the cultures with only loose similarities to us is that they didn’t have these specific details that are in Jewish culture. We didn’t have the Ark of The Covenant in the time of Avraham Avinu, but we did in the time of Moshe and the generations afterward. Nevertheless, these are still in the category of Avodah Zarah…The Japanese have multiple writing systems. One is for Chinese symbols, the other is for native words, and the other is for foreign words. The writing system for foreign words has letters which resemble Hebrew (including cursive Hebrew). However, none of the sounds are the same. The makes the “Ah” sound. makes “Ka” sound, and makes the “Yu” sound. It’s like Hebrew got mixed around in Japan.

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