אין עוד מלבדו

Taryag VeSheva > Mysticism > אין עוד מלבדו

אין עוד מלבדו

The following post was written based on the shiurim of Rabbi Daniel Glattstein.

The number 111 is the number פסוקים in פרשת ויקרא. This פרשה was read individually during the weeks of Quarantine due to the social changes caused by the Corona-virus. The pandemic caused by this virus has shook every human government from the biggest federations down to the smallest townships. It has literally changed humanity as we know it.

The 3-letter name of G-d (אע”ם) is the gematria of 111. This name shares the initials with the phrase אין עוד מלבדו. This is the phrase that describes the foundation of our understanding of how G-d controls this world. The phrase “לֹֽ֣א־יִהְיֶ֥͏ֽה־לְךָ֛֩” – you will not have to you is part of the second commandment – talking about not having an idol. There isn’t another god, and this is what Hashem is telling us with  the same gematria of אע”ם.

What a spiritual “coincidence” that we are given a רמז about our Creator during the rise of the infamous Corona-virus. With a virus which contaminates the days leading into the holy day of פסח, we are getting ready to discuss the story of Hashem running the world – showing his power by taking us out of Mitzrayim. We consume Matzah (על אכילת מצה) and Maror (על אכילת מרור).

During our nation’s entrance to Mitzrayim, what did Hashem tell us when we became scared?”אנכי ארד עמך מצרימה. During our exodus from Egypt, we were able to take the bones of Yosef with us which caused the sea to split. “ויקח משה את-עצמות יוסף עמו” -and Moshe took the bones of Yosef with him.

Then, it continues by saying:
“כי השבע השביע את-בני ישראל לאמר: פקוד יפקוד אלהים אתכם והעליתם את-עצמותי מזה אתכם” “for he [Joseph] had adjourned the sons of Israel, saying, God will surely remember you, and you shall bring up my bones from here with you” (Exodus 13:19). 

The gematria of the word “alef” (אלף) is 111. This is the letter closest to Hashem. Wicked people are associated with the letter farthest from Hashem. The gematria of the letter “ת” is 400. Ephron gave 400 shekels for the burial site. Eisav had 400 men with him when he met Yaakov after many years of being against him. The gematria of the last letter-name (תיו) is 416 which is also the gematria of כישוף – evil magic. This last Hebrew letter is the letter furthest from Hashem; thus, implying that the power of כישוף is furthest from Hashem. The 3 types of כישוף in the world are: אף משחית עון. The 3 evil nations in Jordan that we were in conflict with during Bamidbar: אדום מואב עמון. How do we stop them? With the name of Hashem: אע”ם. When Hashem gave us created Shabbos: מלאכתו אשר עשה. When Yaakov was scared of Eisav, his mother said “עשו אחיך מתנחם לך”. The Written Torah ends with: 
וּלְכֹל֙ הַיָּ֣ד הַֽחֲזָקָ֔ה וּלְכֹ֖ל הַמּוֹרָ֣א הַגָּד֑וֹל אֲשֶׁר֙ עָשָׂ֣ה משֶׁ֔ה לְעֵינֵ֖י כָּל־יִשְׂרָאֵֽל

The gematria of “Hope to Hashem” ‘קוה אל ה is also 111 because there is none other than Hashem.

When people meditate for the purpose of getting closer to Hashem, they are moving from the farther points going upward towards the א. They are getting closer to the One-ness of the universe; he gets closer to understanding that there is only One True G-d in the world. All of the world’s כוחות are from the One and only G-d.

אין עוד מלבדו

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