The Consequences of Normalizing Rare Halakhot

Taryag VeSheva > Halakhah > The Consequences of Normalizing Rare Halakhot

The Consequences of Normalizing Rare Halakhot

The normalization of the abnormal is the problem in modern society. Some of the things that various non-major “rabbanim” promote that makes you think if there’s something wrong. First, I’d like to say that the most significant rabbanim aren’t promoting these things and have even spoken out against these Halachic rulings. The two main topics worth promoting are divorces and abortions.

Historically, both were historically uncommon. Even in mainstream American society, you wouldn’t have been able to get a divorce just because you “feel” like it. In biblical Hebrew, the document for a divorce is called a “Get” (גט). It has to be given willingly, and there are only certain exceptions to this. In the recent decades, it has become more common that a woman is receiving a גט that was not made under the ideal means to get one. Some of the rabbinical courts have been taken advantage of when one side of the divorce case lies about the faults in their marriage. I have witnessed this first hand. The normalization of easy גט giving has lead to people thinking it’s easily justified to get one.

The same is true with abortion. It is a massive chillul Hashem that people think that abortion is something that Judaism isn’t strongly against. If critically thought of what abortion is, then you’d probably never get one. Abortion is a form of murder which is one of the three sins a Jew would rather give up his life than do. A goy would also be obligated to give up his life over. The “leniency” of aborting a child if it threatens the mothers life is the “leniency” used to justify abortion. Some propagandists claim that Judaism isn’t Pro-Life or Pro-Choice. However, this “leniency” wasn’t used to pasken for the ~18,000 abortions that take place in Israel every year. In fact, there most certainly weren’t 18,000 rabbinically signed heterim allowing those for those abortions to take place. I highly doubt 18,000 women were seeking rabbinic guidance on whether or not to have an abortion. I would also check and see how reliable are those Rabbis and doctors claiming that an abortion is “medically beneficial”. There’s enough corruption in the healthcare industry that makes you wonder if abortion is key method.

One you start normalizing the abnormal, you create a society where anything could be justified. That is one of the problems we have in today’s world. Showing respect to someone that’s promoting falsehood should be stopped. And if you don’t think we’ve steeped low into consequences, you’ve been away for quite some time. There are women who have remarried without receiving a Get, and there are Batei Din responsible for Gittin that are pasul. Spiritual darkness has befallen Klal Yisrael.

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