Tiqqun Olam Mamash — תיקון עולם ממש

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Tiqqun Olam Mamash — תיקון עולם ממש

The repairing of the world. In Hebrew, this is called “Tiqqun Olam” –  תִּיקּוּן עוֹלָם. This term has been used out of context by many modern Jews. They do not understand the spiritual nature behind this word….

When Adam Ha-Rishon had sinned by touching the tree of knowledge of good and evil, he destroyed the sanctity of mankind. This resulted in a ban from Paradise in Eden. This would later be emulated by the destruction of the temple and the subsequent exile of the nation of Israel via the Babylonians.

There are various methods of fixing the world. Teshuvah (repentance) is the act of rectifying the sins of Mankind. The realization of the fact that our negative actions are fracturing the world is the first step to doing teshuvah. After one realizes what they have done, stopping the action, asking for forgiveness, and finding a resolution] is the next step…

If everything in the world was perfect, man would have nothing to fix. Therefore, HaShem created Olam Ha-Zeh with deficiencies so that it can be repaired. In Olam Ha-Zeh, there are forces which allow for both damage and repair. This allows new things to be brought into existence. HaShem is constantly creating and sustaining the world. Our seemingly finite world is going through an endless state of renewal. It is up to us to fix the world.

As Jews, we repair the world through the three things that it stands on: Torah, Mitzvot, and Ḥesed. By doing these things, we can repair the damage done by the sins of Adam Ha-Rishon.

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