Kavod L’Moredet: How Feminism led to the Shmad of Schools and Gezeirot on Klal Yisrael

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Kavod L’Moredet: How Feminism led to the Shmad of Schools and Gezeirot on Klal Yisrael

Some proclaimed rabbis have openly supported secular legislation that promotes “Pro-Get” Laws. In the Left-Wing-influenced State of New York, the government also has some Pro-Get laws. The New York state government now requires that if someone is part of a religion that requires a religious divorce, then it would have to be done before a civil divorce is granted. This prevents the leverage of a Gett to be effective. English-language countries Canada, England, Wales, Australia, and South Africa also have Pro-Get laws. Quebec has it heavily enforced, and so does The Netherlands, which makes sense when you take into consideration who the Chief Rabbi of their capital was. These people think that they are fixing the world but are actually making it worse. Judgment will be upon them for this.

The idea that the Jews would beg for a government to intervene in the internal affairs of the Jewish people is horrendous. Never, in history, have Jews begged for the Non-Jews to step in and interfere with the Jewish religion itself. The closest thing to it was during the Ḥasmonean Dynasty’s Civil War, between two brothers Hyrcanus and Aristobulus II, when the adviser of Hyrcanus, a convert from Edom, convinced Hyrcanus to have the Romans take over Israel in order to help him depose of his brother. The chain-reaction of events led to the destruction of the second temple and subsequent exile of the Jewish people. We are still in Galut Edom.

The adviser, of Edomite descent, destroyed the Jewish nation from within. Likewise, these evil, westernized Jews (those plagued with heretical ideologies) are destroying our nation from within. 

Even with the Absolute Monarchies of Christian Europe, the Jewish religion (itself) wasn’t being threatened by most governments (not even the Facsist dictatorship of Italy). This isn’t to say that such did not happen, but even when it did, the Jewish community was most certainly not begging for the goyish governments to intervene in their affairs. For most of European-Christian history, Jews had separate communities which were culturally autonomous in terms of the practice of the Jewish faith and performance of Jewish tradition.

Many religious Jews have been complaining about the growth of Shmad (forced secularism) in Israel. This includes a military draft on religious Jewish women. There has been bureaucratic interference in the curriculum of Ḥaredi schools which has also been an issue in various American states. This is divine retribution for the desecration of holiness that Jewish women, themselves, have been involved with. Their selfishness has created a monster that is destroying Klal Yisrael. The rabbinic “leaders” (not Gedolim) of our generation are to blame for failing to prevent this catastrophe from affecting us. Did they ever stop and once think that the shmad is a punishment from Hashem for endorsing wicked rabbis in their own communities?

Why does it surprise people that on the 21st anniversary of 9-11, the New York York Times dedicated an article bashing Religious Jewish schools? Maybe Hashem was trying to show us a message. Of course, no Jew took the article seriously, but it must show something that this is the thing they want to discuss on the anniversary of a catastrophe that many people remember.

Neither the Eidah (Religiously-Approved Rabbis) nor the Rabbanut (Government-approved Rabbis) are not willing to claim that the divine decree of shmad is because of the actions of so-called “religious” Jews. Although, it should be noted that the Eidah, more than Satmar of America, has stood up against the lunacy of the modern world.  You won’t find Yeshivish or Satmar news outlets claiming that we Jews are responsible for this even though the contemporary sages of Klal Yisrael have openly claimed to oppose the Pro-Get attitudes of Liberal Jews.

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