Criticism of Sikhism from The Perspective of The Torah
Hashem Ekhad – Hashem is One. A Jew should believe in the Oneness of G-d. Islam influenced Sikhism. Thus, Sikhism will appear […]
Understanding the Torah through 613 Commandments and 7 Noahide Laws
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Hashem Ekhad – Hashem is One. A Jew should believe in the Oneness of G-d. Islam influenced Sikhism. Thus, Sikhism will appear […]
There has been an unfortunate trend to worship sociopolitical leaders many of whom are Akum. This is a horrible trend that has […]
Shakh: AlefThe opinion of the Shulhan Arukh and RM”A is that the status of Pat Akum can be rectified if a Jew […]
According to the Rosh: In regards to Pat Akum, there is no difference between the Pat of a Palter (baker) or a […]
לזכר נשמתצבי בן אלכסנדר הכהן הי”ד R” Kahane Z”L said that some Jews have a hatred against Medinat Yisrael that is so […]
On October 7th, in the place of the massacre, there were Jewish people who were murdered while they were around a Buddha […]
There is a Double Standard in regards to Mitzvot and Hashkafot that exist among the Modern-Orthodox Jews in The United States. The […]
The controversial topic of Giyus is a very significant topic that should be understood in-depth not only in its idealistic but also […]
Life – the attraction of subatomic particles within atoms causes multiple atoms to bond together creating molecules which eventually come together to […]
Yom Ha-Shishi – Parshat Lekh Lekha – 5785 Because of something as simple as Yehudim and Goyim kicking a ball, the wicked […]